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School Houses are a way for pupils to meet and they develop fun, pride and community cohesion. Throughout the year, there is a wide variety of opportunities for pupils to gain house points and compete in academic, sporting, cultural and fun activities as well as acknowledging the best house at key events and at the end of the year prize giving ceremony.
Our Abuja Prep school houses are named after birds of prey. Each symbolise the following qualities: perseverance, strength, teamwork and grace.
The school has four houses. These are Ravens, Hawks, Falcons and Eagles. Pupils will be allocated houses when they arrive at school. Siblings will always be put into the same house. Apart from inter-house competitions, pupils can score points in their daily classwork which will go towards the House Cup which is awarded at the Prize Giving at the end of the year.
A weekly tally is announced at the Friday’s assembly. Each week Captain Cuddles the teddy will wear the colour of the winning house. So, children, try to get as many house points as they can so that Captain Cuddles wears their house colour.